The Indonesia's International Coaching Summit (IICS) is an annual event hosted by the ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter. IICS 2022 is our 10th ICS (now IICS) summit since its inception in 2012, and the third International Summit we hold virtually. This summit brings together approximately 500 people from diverse professions, including coaches, researchers, educators, government officers, entrepreneurs, business/SME/start-up practitioners, and individuals, to empower the world through coaching. IICS provide participants with a hybrid experience by showcasing current coaching technology, how it is interconnected to the coaching business, including coaching competences, and its evolution within the coaching universe, the coaching-Verse!
Online Event
11 - 27 November 2022
This summit aims to increase awareness of coaching in Indonesia and establish a stronger coaching community inside the Coaching-Verse!
The Coaching-Verse encompasses numerous aspects in which coaching can have an effect and progress to a more inclusive and empowering approach, while keeping standards of ethics and quality. From the inner-verse of the coach and the client, to the knowledge-verse of its coaching competencies, to the leadership-verse of people in transforming organizations, to the niche-verse of who and what specific coaching delivers meaningful impact, to the business-verse where coaching is a promising industry, to the techno-verse of innovation in providing coachees with seamless and ethical coaching experiences.
All of these verses will demonstrate that coaching is not only a technique or practice for a single person's development goal, but can also be used adaptively for other goals by leveraging the power of technology and ethics. IICS 2022 aims to broaden the audience's perspective on the future of coaching beyond current perceptions and investigate how a coach should evolve to embrace the future.
Event Speakers
Here are some of our speakers

Al Falaq Arsendatama, MCC
Coaching & Technology

Andre Gunawan, PCC
Coaching Competency

Anitawati Seman, MCC
Closing Session

Anke Paulick, MBA, PCC
Coaching & Technology

Dr. Ari Pratiwi PCC
Coaching & Technology

Bambang Yapri, PCC
Coaching Competency

CN Murthy, PCC
Coaching Competencies

Daru Dewayanto, MCM, MCC, ICE-AC
Coaching Competency

Dicky Herlambang
Coaching Competencies

Dr. Dan Harrison
Coaching & Technology

Elena G Espinal, MCC
Coaching Competencies

Ferlita Sari, Psikolog, PCC
Coaching Competencies

Fiona Wang, PCC
Coaching Competencies

Geraldine Gauthier, PCC
Coaching as Business

Herdy Harman, S.H., MBA, LLM
Opening Session

Heru Yuwono Liem, MCC, MP, MEC
Opening Session

Dr. Indrawan Nugroho
Coaching & Technology

I Made Harta Wijaya, ACC
Coaching as Business

Ina Rizqie Amalia,MCC
Closing Session

Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, ACTC, BYS
Coaching as Business

Jonathan Reitz, MCC, ACTC
Coaching Competencies

Lex dePraxis
Coaching as Business

Linda Fogg-Phillips, M.S.
Coaching as Business

M. Kurnia Siregar M. M, MCC
Closing Session

Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC
Coaching Competencies

Dr. Nicky Terblanche (PhD)
Coaching & Technology

Oto Gurnita
Coaching as Business

Raymond Phoon, ACC
Coaching as Business

Rahmadi Murwanto
Coaching as Business

Dr. Paulus Kurnia, MCC
Closing Session

Sari Marsden, PCC
Coaching Competencies

Salman Subakat
Coaching as Business

Tina T Kemala Intan
Coaching as Business

Yosea Kurnianto
Opening Session
Pre Summit

[ICS 2020 Recording] Motivate Yourself through Your Highest Values
M. Adithia Amidjaya, PCC. ICS 2020
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

[ICS 2021 Recording] Opportunities and Challenges, Coach as Profession in South East Asia
M. Adithia Amidjaya, PCC; Grace Lee, PCC; Arvy Villamarzo, PCC and Yorde Leelawejabootr, PCC. ICS 2021 Talk Show Session
Delivered in English

Introducing a Unique Approach of Coaching for Muslim Woman
Fauziah Zulfitri, PCC. ICS 2022 Pre-Summit
Moderated by Diah Arum Witasari, PCC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

[ICS 2021 Recording] Opportunities and Challenges, Coach as Profession in Indonesia
Harry Pramono, LCPC; Onma Pasti Gultom, ACC; Ananta Dewandhono, EPC, ESLog, CSLP and Diah Arum Witasari H, ACC. ICS 2021 Talk Show Session
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

[ICS 2020 Recording] Leadership Execution in The New Normal Era
Eval Wari, ACC. ICS 2020
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Behavioral Engineering Through Coaching Using Enneagram Assesment
Budi Dewobroto. ICS 2022 Pre-Summit
Moderated by Lestari Soeryowati, MM Com
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

[ICS 2021 Recording] Coaching dan Laku Keseharian
M Nur Fannie Prasetyo, PCC. ICS 2021
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

[ICS 2021 Recording] Reinventing Coaching
Ari Yuda Laksmana, ACC. ICS 2021
Delivered in English

The Impact of Coaching in Personal & Professional Life (Corporate/Business/Community)
Siti Meiyana Arafah, ACC and Maria Qibtiyah, ACC. ICS 2022 Pre-Summit
Moderated by Vera Marpaung, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Opening Session: The Future of Coaching Synergy
Herdy Harman, S.H., MBA, LLM; Heru Yuwono Liem, MCC, MP, MEC and Yosea Kurnianto. Opening Session
Moderated by Lika Satvarini, CEC. CBC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Winning Coaching Deals in the New Normal
Raymond Phoon, ACC. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Siti Raudhah Salma
Delivered in English

Coaching Matters: Leadership Coaching Practices in Corporates
Bambang Yapri, PCC and Andre Gunawan, PCC. Coaching Competency
Moderated by Siti Meiyana Arafah, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

What Coaches Really Need to Digitize Their Practice
Anke Paulick, MBA, PCC. Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Ratna Amirasya, CPC, CLC, NLP Practitioner
Delivered in English

The Challenge: Digital Coaching for Excellent Business Strategy Execution
Tina T Kemala Intan. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Lidia Rusvita, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Intake and Chemistry Matter...But Maybe NOT How You Think!
Jonathan Reitz, MCC, ACTC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by H. Clay Myers, CPC
Delivered in English

Paradoxical Coaching
Dr. Dan Harrison. Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Naomi Aprilia, CPC
Delivered in English

Artificial Intelligence Coaching
Dr. Nicky Terblanche (PhD). Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Harsya Denny Suryo, MSc.
Delivered in English

Coaching for Relationship and Marital Breakthroughs
Lex dePraxis. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Josh Alexander, CEC, MLdr.(min)
Delivered in Indonesia

How to Shift to Coach the Person, Not their Problem
Marcia Reynolds, PsyD, MCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Cinta Maulida Utami, S.Kom.I, CPC
Delivered in English

Technology to Create Deeper Connection with Clients
Al Falaq Arsendatama, MCC. Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Maria Qibtiyah, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Using Coaching Conversation For Parenting Your adult Children
Ferlita Sari, Psikolog, PCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Diah Arum Witasari, PCC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Coaching for Parents with Special Need Child
I Made Harta Wijaya, ACC. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Diah Arum Witasari, PCC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Building a Thriving and Sustainable Coaching Business through the power of Co-Creation - The Practical Asian Approach
Jedidiah Alex Koh, MCC, ACTC, BYS. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Dian A. Prasasti Utomo
Delivered in English

Coaching in Innovation Culture
Salman Subakat. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Sarilani Wirawan
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Developing Coaching Presence Through Somatic Practice.
Sari Marsden, PCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Sarilani Wirawan
Delivered in English

Digital Coaches
Dr. Ari Pratiwi PCC. Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Ratna Amirasya, CPC, CLC, NLP Practitioner
Delivered in English

The Alchemist Coach
CN Murthy, PCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Harsya Denny Soeryo, M.Sc
Delivered in English

Coaching in the Era of Metaverse
Dr. Indrawan Nugroho. Coaching & Technology
Moderated by Nizar Dangkua
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Competencies to Develop and Sensitivities to Remember, to Create the Future We will Live
Elena G Espinal, MCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Christine Monteiro, ACC
Delivered in English

Sharing Experiences - Using Coaching in Higher Education
Rahmadi Murwanto. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Lestari Soeryowati, MM Com
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

10 Reasons Why Coaches Struggle to Get Clients - 10 Secrets to Grow a Coaching Business
Geraldine Gauthier, PCC. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Cut Nyak Inseun Faradena, ACC
Delivered in English

Profiles of Indonesia's Executive Leaders: What the Coaching Community Can Learn from Assessment Center Data
Dicky Herlambang. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Dr. Chairunnisa Amarta
Delivered in English

Deep Change Project
Fiona Wang, PCC. Coaching Competencies
Moderated by Zulfikar Rahman
Delivered in Bahas Indonesia

Cultivating Coaching & Mentoring Culture in Pertamina Sub Holding Upstream
Oto Gurnita. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Reni Dwi Wahyuni, CEC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Listening & Maintaining System in Team Coaching with Structural Dynamics
Daru Dewayanto, MCM, MCC, ICE-AC. Coaching Competency
Moderated by Maria Qibtiyah, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Closing Session: The Future of Indonesia Coaching Industry
Anitawati Seman, MCC; Ina Rizqie Amalia,MCC; M. Kurnia Siregar M. M, MCC and Dr. Paulus Kurnia, MCC. Closing Session
Moderated by Deasy Arnas, ACC
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

Tiny Habits; a Breakthrough Method in Coaching
Linda Fogg-Phillips, M.S.. Coaching as Business
Moderated by Ari Yuda Laksmana, ACC
Delivered in English
Closing Ceremony
Delivered in Bahasa Indonesia
About ICF

The International Coach Federation Jakarta (ICF) is a registered chapter of the ICF in the United States. ICF Jakarta represents and supports all ICF registered coaches in Indonesia.
In today’s fast-paced world, growing numbers of businesses, organizations and individuals are turning to professional coaching to increase their effectiveness, build relationships and reach their goals.
The International Coach Federation is the support network for these professional coaches. Whether it’s Life Coaching, Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching or any other skilled coaching, ICF leads the global community in advancing the profession. ICF helps serve the flourishing of humanity by using coaching’s creative and thought-provoking process to maximize professional and personal potential. Through a worldwide network of professional coaches, ICF builds, supports and preserves this growing field, providing connections near and far.
ICF builds the profession’s visibility with partnerships, global strategic alliances, public relations, marketing items, and tools such as the Coach Referral Service (CRS), a free service that can help potential clients locate accredited member ICF coaches.
ICF supports members through continual professional development and growth opportunities, both locally and internationally, including conferences, annual research reports and networking programs. The organization also partners with resource providers to benefit members and use ICF’s strength in numbers. ICF offers additional support through its website, databases and publications.
Check our gallery from the recent events
1. Is IICS the same event with International Coaching Summit (ICS)?
This year, ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter rebrand the ICS event to IICS that stands for Indonesia’s International Coaching Summit. It will be held from 11 – 27 November 2022 by inviting international speakers and open for international participants as well. Previously, ICS was known as Indonesia Coaching Summit and since 2020 it was International Coaching Summit.
2. Will the virtual sessions take place for the whole dates, 11 – 27 November 2022?
No, the session will take place every weekend and some weekdays from the 11th to 27th of November virtually according to the schedule. This year closing on the 27th of November will be a hybrid session in Jakarta.
In addition, the recording sessions will be available 1 week after each session complete.
3. Who do I contact for other questions?
If you have any questions, please contact our Whatsapp Careline on the page or click here
1. Where can I get the link to the session?
Once you paid the tickets, you will receive email from IICS 2022 Committee describing your payment receipt including other information in 1x24 hours after your payment. We are not emailing you the link of each session. You can join the session by clicking Attend Live button on the schedule page. If you don’t want to miss the session, you can click Add to Calendar button.
2. What do I need to attend the virtual sessions?
To attend the virtual session, you need a good internet connection, your device or computer, and a valid registration. You can login directly through the IICS 2022 schedule page or through the link that is embedded in the ‘add to calendar’ feature sent to your registered email.
3. How can I ask questions at the Virtual session?
Once you are joining the zoom meeting room, you microphone would be muted by default. You can ask questions via the zoom chat box or raise your hand for the host unmute your microphone and directly ask question to the speaker. Moderators will ask participants to ask questions and address the questions posted.
4. What if I’m not available during the virtual session dates?
The recorded sessions will be available 1 week after the session and can be accessed only for registered participants. Login to the website to get access to the recording.
1. How can I be in the ICF Jakarta Find a Coach Directory?
icfjakarta.org is the official website for the ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter (ICF JCC) and only ICF JCC member who are eligible to create an account on the website and being listed in the website “find a coach” directory.
If you are an ICF JCC member, please signup to icfjakarta.org and follow the instruction on the website and start update your profile on your dashboard.
If you are not ICF JCC member, click join on the home page and you will be directed to coachingfederation.org. follow the instruction on how t be ICF member.
2. I am a coach; how to claim my account as a coach in coachingyuk.com?
Please sign up to coachingyuk.com and follow the instruction. We will approve your registration if you are meeting the requirement. The validation will take 3x24 hours. Once you are logged in as a coach, you will have an account to be exposed to public where you can post your coaching program, set your availability in your calendar, and deliver a digital coaching session. Visitor can hire you through coachingyuk.com platform to have coaching sessions.
3. I want to experience coaching with one of the coaches, what should I do?
You can go to icfjakarta.org or coachingyuk.com and click "find a coach". You will be directed to a page where all coaches are registered. Learn their profile and click hire/book to contact the coach as your preference.
4. Can I use coachingyuk.com to experience coaching after IICS event?
Coachingyuk.com is an independent platform for coaching. Once you are signup you can use the features at anytime and anywhere you like in an easy and simple way. Learn further about coachingyuk.com
1. How do I claim my CCE Units?
The CCE Unit will be printed on the certificate. The certificate will be available 1 week after the session. You can download the certificate by login to the website and click certificate button on the schedule page per session.
2. How can I claim the certificate?
The certificate will be available 1 week after the session. You can download the certificate by login to the website and click certificate button on the schedule page per session.
For the best learning experience, we encourage you to join the session in a full-time manner or at least 80% of the duration. Certificate will be published for those who meet this criterion. Failed to meet its minimum of 80% of attendance, you will not entitle for any certificate.
3. My name on the certificate is wrong/typo, how can I claim for the correction?
We will use the name that you registered on the website to publish the certificate. Ensure that you enter your name correctly when you sign up or you can edit your name in your profile.
At every session in the summit, we will also provide a link for you to type your name for the certificate including your zoom account name you use during the session for us to validate your attendance and your name to be printed on the certificate. Please fill the form correctly.
By those, we will minimize the typo of your name on the certificate. However, if eventually, the typo still occur after the certificate is published, you can request for 1 (one) time correction by clicking the certificate correction request at the footnote of the website.
1. I am a presenter/speaker/moderator in this summit, am I registered automatically as participants?
If you are invited as presenter/speaker/moderator, you are automatically registered as participant as well. Therefore, you don’t have to do the registration process. Our team will contact you on the login process.
2. How do I register for the virtual sessions?
Registration to the virtual summit is open. Click Buy Ticket on the top right corner of the page (or click Register on the schedule page) and follow the instruction on registration process. There will be type of participant option, please select this option, and enter your entitled voucher code accordingly. Any mismatch code will be invalid by default. For example, if you are a member of ICF then you must choose ICF Member type of participant and insert the voucher code for ICF Member.
3. Can I also register both as ICF member and representing Coaching School?
During your registration, you should choose either you want to register as ICF Member or Coaching School Representative. Each has different benefit for different type. During registration, you are requested to enter the voucher code to claim the benefits.
4. How can I get the voucher code?
The Voucher Code is available at the ICF Chapter Committee, Coaching Schools, Media/Community Partners, Corporate Registered, Sponsors and Speakers (depend on the type of participant). Please contact its representative accordingly.
5. I receive a Voucher Code, what should I do with this?
IICS Committee publishes Voucher Codes for the ICF Member, Coaching Schools’ Graduates, Media/Community Partners’ Member/Relations, Corporate Registrants, Sponsors and Speakers Complimentary Appreciation, and Lucky Prizes Winners. If you are one of those, you can use this voucher code to get special benefits for your participation in the summit. Enter the code correctly along with the type of participant when you register/buy ticket to the summit.
6. Why do I have to fill up my mailing address?
For Indonesia participant, we provide merchandises for your participation, and they are bundled with your registration ticket. We will send the merchandises to your mailing address. Please fill up the correct mailing address along with postal code and your phone number. The shipping cost will be borne by the participant as we will deliver it by Cash on Delivery (COD).
7. If I wish to cancel my registration, will I receive a refund?
Please consult the cancellation policy outlined on the registration page for the most up to date information.
Buy Tickets
Get full access for the whole summit and claim the benefits
Full Summit Ticket
IDR 600K
- Available starting 18 Oct 2022
- ICF Member save IDR 200k
- Coaching Schools Graduates save IDR 150k
- Media/Community Partner save IDR 50k
- Full access to all sessions
- Recording Available
- Certificate
- Expand Networking
- CCE Units
- Equals to USD 40
Offsite Closing Ticket
IDR 150K
Closing Session on 27 November 2022
- Available only for 100 seats
- 1 ticket for 1 Registered Account
- Networking Dinner
- In person Live session
- CCE Units
- Equals to USD 10
- Applied only for those who have purchased the Summit Ticket
Venue at PHE Tower, Simatupang
Networking Registration starts at 4pm
Swab Antigen Test Negative is a must
Closing session will starts at 6:45pm
(For online access, zoom will be opened at 6:30pm)
*No Cancelation and Refund applied
IDR 100k

Note: shipping fee will be billed offline by courier (COD) *for Indonesia only
IDR 150k

Note: shipping fee will be billed offline by courier (COD) *for Indonesia only
IDR 250k

Note: shipping fee will be billed offline by courier (COD) *for Indonesia only
IDR 300k

Note: shipping fee will be billed offline by courier (COD) *for Indonesia only