Speaker Detail

Anke Paulick, MBA, PCC
Stream : Coaching & Technology
Topic : What coaches really need to digitize their practice
Biography : Anke Paulick (PCC) is co-founder and CEO of the digital coaching start-up evoach. As a certified coach with many years of digital experience, she accompanies coaches on their way into the (digital) future. As a corporate executive at Lufthansa, Bertelsmann and United Internet, she implemented new digital business models with her teams. Anke is a business economist, holds an MBA from the University of Oxford and has trained as a systemic coach, facilitator, scrum master and team coach. As a volunteer, she has been mentoring start-up teams since 2015, serves as chair of the supervisory board of Ehe-, Familien- und Paarberatung Karlsruhe e.V. since 2017 and is a member of the board of ICF Germany e.V. since 2021.
Description : Anke Paulick gives coaches an overview of the current coaching tech landscape focussing on specific use cases for coaches. How coaches can use software
- as a tool to support individual coaching;
- or to design scaling coaching and transformation programs
What categories and vendors are out there today?
- Digital infrastructure for coaches
- Digitize coaching content
- Work more intensively with existing clients