Speaker Detail

Elena G Espinal, MCC
Stream : Coaching Competencies
Topic : Competencies to develop and sensitivities to remember, to create the future we will live
Biography : Dr. Elena Espinal (Ph D) is a Master Certified Coach (MCC) ICF, and has thirty three years of experience in leadership development training and coaching, facilitation, and team building services.
She was born in Argentina, moved to Mexico in 1998, leaving behind the foundation of the first School of Coaching acknowledged by the Secretary of Education and a Company, Team Power (México). She has worked with people from different cultures (Indigenous, and people of different social and cultural backgrounds), in more than 30 countries of all continents with individuals and organizations, Governments and NGO´s. The last 6 years, she is a committed worker for establishing Diversity and Inclusion in Companies and Governments and has formed the first group of 54 blind coaches creating an organization for generating work for them, called: Coaching con Visión
Description : We cannot believe that with the change that is taking place in the world, everything will change but not the profession with which we provide a service. A service that is dedicated, by definition, to helping others create a future that is not a continuation of the past.
What skills will the new jobs require? How many of these skills will we have to incorporate into the coaches to be able to provide our service?
And regarding our relationship with the future, to be able to review our relationship with time, and with the necessary sensitivities to be able to observe what is emerging, as well as the contingencies that can change our future.